The front-page (HOME) slider shows photos of places I visited in retirement. provides nearly all of the information, in one place, that you'll need to know about retirement.

Manage your retirement or you will be wasting the best years of your life!

Retirement for most people ranks among the top life-changing events.  However, it generally ranks as one of the most misunderstood and poorly planned events.  It seems that nearly everyone can’t wait for retirement – that period in life when “one can do whatever one wants to do whenever they want to do it.”  Retirement is often referred to as an endless vacation.  This is an over-simplified and inaccurate image that, for those who are ill-prepared, results in unmet expectations, disappointment and boredom.  For others who are seeking maximum contentment, fulfillment and enjoyment, one needs to treat retirement with the same preparation, planning and continuous assessment/readjustment as one does in the management of their career or other life-changing events.

This website is written from the perspective of a retiree who has and is learning as he goes, having made several good and several bad decisions along the way.  I am not an investment adviser, although I’ve conferred with many of them, nor am I an expert in any one of the areas that this website covers.  However, as an engineer, technologist and mid-level manager (with over 30 years of management and scientific analysis experience), I have attempted to objectively study retirement and develop a series of explanations, conclusions and recommendations.

This material/information and the rules-of-thumb presented here are most relevant to middle- and upper-income retirees or soon-to-be retirees, but much of it is universally applicable.  It covers the 3–5-year period prior to retirement through the first 5-10 years of actual retirement.  The information is for general information purposes only.  It is based on a combination of research and personal experience as well as some input from financial professionals.  Please conduct your own research before accepting my recommendations or advice.  Also, you may wish to contact an independent financial professional for alternative input and solutions regarding your specific situation.

Major Topics

Major topics addressed in this website are relevant to most retirees or those contemplating retirement.  The topics are shown on the website's "Contents" page.  Subjects are presented in chronological sequence as follows:


Retirement Planning

Covers goal setting, saving for retirement, budgeting, and timing.

Retirement Investing

Describes the various financial instruments used to achieve your retirement lifestyle, including 401k's, IRA's, annuities, brokerage accounts, CD's, US Treasury securities, and health savings accounts.

Retirement Income

Provides information on the various income sources you will need in retirement.  These include pensions, social security, dividends & interest, annuities, brokerage account withdrawals, rental income, and reverse mortgages.

Retirement Expenses

Provides perspective on the changes in expenses that you'll experience in retirement.  These include taxes, housing, debt, healthcare, long-term care, and transportation.

Retirement Living

Addresses retirement location/environment, second home ownership/residency, second career, and vacation/travel.

Estate Planning

Provides information on how to protect your assets from the IRS through wills, trusts and life insurance.


The subject of Retirement Management encompasses a wide range of topics and mountains of information available from numerous sources.  While my intent is to provide most of the basic information that you need to get started, this is obviously not an exhaustive study on retirement and does not cover all topics that you need to understand to retire successfully.  However, it attempts to provide clear and abridged information on a variety of important subjects, sufficient to get you started on the adventure of a lifetime or to serve as a general reference in retirement.  (I personally reference my website when I need a quick answer to a general question.)

This website culminates two to three years of research and development on a part time basis (as my thoughts and curiosity motivated me).  It is maintained on a non-profit volunteer basis and is updated as I learn new concepts and ideas that I believe may be important or of interest to retirees or future retirees (the rest of you).  I do my best to maintain current information, but due to the rapidly changing environment (and IRS tax law changes), some information may have changed since it was published.  Also, please keep in mind that there are many different alternative scenarios to planning and executing one’s retirement strategy, and each of us has unique circumstances and differing amounts and sources of income to invest.  So quit procrastinating and get started on your own retirement planning adventure.

My hope is that you will find this information useful and informative.  If so, please go to the "Contact Us" page and drop me a line.  If you feel that I've missed an important topic, or if your quest for the perfect retirement has discovered important information that needs to be shared, please let me know.  If I don't respond Quickly, it is because I am sitting on a southern Florida beach drinking a pina colada. Thanks for visiting and happy retirement.

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Retirement is a commencement for the adventure of a lifetime.  It is not the end but a new beginning full of excitement and joyful experiences.  You are no longer shackled by the demands of an employer or timetable that dictates when you sleep, when you eat, when you have free time.  You earned it and paid the price, now it’s your time to be free and pursue any avenue or experience that brings you satisfaction.  Just go for it and live your life to the fullest!

(Pictured above are some of the many places that I've visited in retirement.)